Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Xbox 360 Fix

Were you playing a great game of Halo, only internet video conferencing have your Xbox 360 crash on you right in Dsl Lite middle of game play!? Well I've had this happen to me, and it was one of the most frustrating things! If you're a hardcore tmnet streamyx wireless and you're reading this article, most likely you are all too familiar with this.

Microsoft Telekom to fix your Xbox 360 if you ship it to them, but if your console is no longer under warranty, guess who'll be paying for it!? Personally, I couldn't think of a worse thing then to send my Xbox 360 away for many weeks or even months! That's valuable gaming time I'm missing, not to mention that there have been many cases where an owner gets his/her system back, only to find that the console STILL crashes! That's just not acceptable.

Luckily, there are actually a few things you can do to that may help to fix your console:

The first thing you can do is to make sure that your Xbox 360 has space to breathe. What I mean by this is to make sure that your console is far away from any heat vents or heaters that may increase the temperature of the system. Also, make sure there is nothing blocking the air Tmwebmail vents on the console. The console already runs very hot to the touch, so making sure that it is well ventilated will help to cool it down, and many times can fix the problems people have with their systems crashing.

Another thing you can try is to grab a small fan or even something like a hair dryer that has a cold setting, and aim it at the vents on the side of the Xbox 360. This can not only help to cool the console, but also remove any dust that surrounds the important computer chips inside.

If neither of these things work, there are actually step-by-step, easy to follow guides all about Xbox 360 fixes.

Click HERE For The Best Guide On How To Fix The Xbox 360 Yourself

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